Friday, February 9, 2007

Setting limits

First the registration counts so far: 96 confirmations sent out with about 200 additional people in the PALM registration pipeline.

Worried about biking 50 miles a day for several days in a row? My advice is don't set limits. Don't say you can't do something. Instead find out what you can do. I run in the mornings. On Tuesday I found out that I can run when it is 0 degrees and a wind chill of -13. But I think this year's limit will be wind chills of -15.

The trouble is that I work with a guy from Russia. He says that he doesn't like winter when it is 32. He likes it when it's 5. He says that we don't have a culture of cold. He can't understand people who go outside in the winter, don't button their coats or wear hats, and then complain about the cold. He once got on Google Maps and showed me around the neighborhood where he grew up using their satellite maps. I looked at my house using the satellite maps. All I could see was how lousy my lawn looked even from outer space. This is what I have to work on: the glass is half full, not half empty.

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