Sunday, February 8, 2009

PALM Riders

I've entered the applications for 91 PALM riders so far. I shuffle through the applications before I enter them to see if I recognize anybody. I would have expected only familiar names and people from Michigan in first 100 riders, but I was wrong. We already have riders from 8 states, including Pennsylvania, Missouri, New York, and Virginia and I didn't recognize that many names . I would also expect that younger riders would be the earliest to sign up since the Internet is their friend. Wrong again: we have 21 riders in their 60's and 8 riders 70 and over signed up already. PALM riders continue to surprise me.

This is the weekend of the Winter Blast in Detroit. After a month of being in the 20's and 5 days of a temperature below zero, the temperature reached 50 yesterday. Everything is melting. I still can't see the grass, but now I can notice that my car is filthy. This will increase attendance at the Winter Blast, but now they'll have to make snow for the snow slide. Where is the justice?

Our friend Shelley threw a party Sunday for her Saturday bike ride crew at her apartment downtown. It was a beautiful day, not as warm as Saturday but bright sunlight. While the streets where I live have big puddles and the occasional chunk of polished ice, the streets downtown were dry: no puddles, no ice and pretty deserted. We were kicking ourselves: why didn't we bring our bikes? The party was great: lots of food and biking videos. Maybe spring and biking is a possibility after all.

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