Sunday, May 10, 2009

PALM Change Deadline: May 15

If you have registered for PALM, May 15 is the deadline for any meal or bus changes. After May 15, whatever you got, you got. May 15 is also the deadline for cancellations. Before May 15 individuals on an application can cancel and get their money back except for a $15 cancellation fee. If everyone on an application cancels, the cancellation fee is $20 for the whole application. (The idea behind this is that if a family has to cancel, it should cost them $20, not $15 for every member of the family. It's part of making PALM a family friendly ride.) All cancellations have to done in writing and mailed to the PALM address (PALM; PO Box 7161; Ann Arbor, MI 48107) . No email cancellations will be accepted. What this means to me is that registration finally ends. All I have to do is create meal and bus lists, packet content sheets and labels and I'm done. After the last PALM meeting on May 31, all that's left is riding the PALM. I'll be processing odds and ends up until then, some of which I'll be getting today.

It's time for the big garden push. I have to extend the garden on one side because a tree is starting to shade it on the other. I have to put in the warm weather vegetables, some of which will be plants that I'll be getting this week. I have flowers to plant in the front yard to hide the vegetables that I have there. The irony is that with all this garden work, I've done nothing on my lawn. I haven't even cut it yet. Since I've stopped putting weed killer on it I have every weed in the world growing there and almost no grass. My neighbors must think I'm crazy especially when they see me going out for a bike ride instead of working on my lawn. On the plus side the turnips, lettuce and greens that I planted from seed on Tuesday have already sprouted. Maybe I can plant my entire front yard in turnips and zucchini.


rhs68003 said...

We have 2 Palm 09 spots and meals for sale if interested. Medical reason forces sale. No bus tickets with deal. Email us at if interested. Thanks. Russ

Aunt E said...

Same here Mark. Our lawn is weeds not grass including a special tall weed. I have a veggie garden for the first time. Grew everything from see indoors. Zucchinni, beans, sweet peas and corn look good but I've learned that I may not get corn - not a big enough plot. Carrots, tomatoes, sweet peppers and lettuce are hanging in there. Radishes are getting bigger everyday. I have basil, arugula, and cilantro in pots and they're doing well except no sign of the cilantro yet. Very exciting. I'll be happy even if I just get a bunch of zucchini!