Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Well, it is spring. Cold, but spring. Generally 50 degrees is about the coldest that I will bike. The sun makes a big difference, of course. So far the temperatures have been just about 5 degrees too cold to ride and enjoy it. It was a little too cold (and a little too windy) to ride the two Tuesdays after St. Patrick's Day. I did get to ride last Saturday though. There was a peek-a-boo sun and wind. I was able to ride against the wind going out (averaging a sprightly 9.9 mph) and with the wind coming back (total ride average: 11.7). I'm revisiting my old routes one at a time. There is still a lot of debris left over from the snow melt here. There is supposed to be a cleanup for the Final Four but it hasn't reached my neighborhood yet.

I'm up to rider 625 as far as processing PALM applications. We've hit a snag though. Vickie, who does the intial processing (correcting all the errors, filling out all the sheets for the accountant, etc.), tripped and broke a bone in her right hand. Her job entails writing. She and the applications were down in Florida then, but she's back in Michigan now. At first she was going to let Ellie take over, but she thinks that she can still do it, cast and all. I won't get any more applications until the PALM meeting on Sunday (Palm Sunday!) In the meantime, Vickie's sent emails to everyone whose application she has (and who gave us an email address) to calm people's jitters.

The Garden Resource program's seed distribution took place on Monday. I got 13 packets of seeds, more than I can possibly plant. It seems a little early to think about actually planting. I just got the seeds as an act of faith. I haven't even thought about raking up the leaves that I'm using as mulch and clearing out the dead flowers that I left for the birds in the garden, let alone preparing it for planting. I'm supposed to get plants in two weeks. We'll have to see about that. But I'm starting to see rabbits so we must be closer than I think.

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