Friday, December 12, 2008

Into the winter

We had a long, long fall this year. We didn't get a blast of cold weather to warn us of what was coming and then Indian Summer so that we could be grateful for what we had. Instead we got all the warm weather at once (it was in the 70's all thru October well into November) and then all of the cold. I put off harvesting all my greens until the start of December. I pulled the plants out of the ground on the last day before they would have been frozen there until spring. I did cook and freeze some so that I can have a little summer in January.

I try to ride my bike every month of the year. November was not a problem and since the 1st Dozen in Dearborn is on January 1, January looks OK. December however... I run outside to stay in shape. Yesterday I ran when it was 19 degrees and I froze. It wasn't even windy. I'm weak. I'm usually good until around 5. Of course a lot of clothes are involved.

My point is that now that it is really winter you have probably forgotten all about spring and summer. This is a mistake. The PALM application comes in the mail to you in the 3rd week of January, before the Super Bowl even. You may not believe it. You may put it aside. Be strong. Have faith. Read that application. You will be riding your bike again. Sign up now. A little secret - all you need to do is send in enough to cover the registration to reserve a spot on PALM. You can send in the money to cover meals and buses (if you want them) later. (I shouldn't tell you this since I work registration and it's more work, but these trying times. We all need help.) Get out the sun screen and fill out that application!

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